If you have interest in any class, please contact us directly (Secure Contact Form on each page of this website).
We regularly hold standard training classes (in person and also online) in Frequency Therapy, Vibrational Medicine and Voice Printing
Details of the classes are below:
Level One:
- This class is designed to give the participants the tools to take their own voice print using two (2) different methods. It will give them scientific evidence of the frequencies in their personal environments and how to affect them.
- The class provides studies that explain and validate how frequency creates our world and how we can transform it to create a healing environment. This class will empower individuals to see their own frequencies and decipher their personal needs to bring their body back into harmonic balance and resonance.
- Participants will walk away with all the tools they need to understand their personal frequency patterns and to create a healing process based on the imbalances in their voice prints.
- Class Materials provided include CD with setup files for software on programs used to take voice prints, make personal tracks, see overtone values of the voice and locate frequency treatment tones for personal self care (online class participants receive electronic versions of these materials).
Level Two:
- A whole new level of sound and frequency! This class is an experience of transformation.
- We shall present and work through voice prints to get a deep understanding of what each frequency relates to, in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.
- We shall provide in-depth information on the use of software and technical equipment to create personal treatment programs for the participants.
- We shall delve deep into the self, to determine where the frequency imbalances are stemming from and uncover our hidden agendas and old patterns.
- We shall create individual “game plans“ to heal and transform the frequencies that do not serve our creative process, and our vibrant good health and happiness.
- This class is for the serious transformers! Get ready for the frequency ride of your life!