Cards & Charts (incl. Birth Note Chart)

Birth Note Chart

BirthNoteChart w-o VS name REDUCED

The Birth Note Chart is a frequency reading that is based on your birth date.  When you are born the stars and planets are in a particular alignment that creates equations.  These equations reflect tonal patterns that indicate certain prospects and tendencies in your personal aspects.  This chart covers your career directions, your personality tendencies, possible challenges and also your calling or purpose in life.  $40.00


Card Sets #1Chakra Care Frequency Cards

These Chakra Care Frequency Cards contain five (5) power-packed Frequency Information Cards for each chakra (35 cards in total), covering all Frequency aspects of each energy center – Colors, Shapes, Food & Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Sound and Qi Gong, amongst others.

These thirty-five (35) cards are a complete Chakra Compendium Set, with data that covers you in every way, Root to Crown! – OR – as Individual Sets of five (5) cards for whichever chakra(s) you desire.

Chakra Care Frequency Cards – Individual Chakras


Frequency-Comprehensive Chart

Large Chakra Color Chart REDUCEDThis chart is an accumulation of many different aspects of each frequency.  It was created from years of research and study to help the participants of our training classes navigate issues with the frequency patterns.  The chart gives explanations for each frequency in relationship to tones, colors, emotional responses, physical illness………and more.   

A great tool to help you assess what is happening when a frequency is out of alignment in  your pattern.  $15.00


Birth Note Frequency Wheel

Birth Note Wheel REDUCEDThe Wheel contains:

  • Color of Birth Date
  • Astrological Sign of Birth Date
  • Musical Note associated with Birth Date

A great tool to fine-tune your personal work when preparing a frequency process to work with daily.  $8.00