Shira Shares…

An accumulation of occasional writings by Shira – gentle words to support and inspire you…



The Opportunity In Relationships

If you are in a relationship that appears to have difficulties, you are both here together to lift the other to their greatest expression.

The time is now. The frequencies are here now to support you to release patterns of holding each other in blame. You are now able to see that the posture of blame and shame keeps you tied to the old paradigm, and you have the ability to lift yourself up by showering your fellow traveler with compassion, understanding and love. It doesn’t matter if this is a partner of many years or a coworker whom you have only known for two weeks.

Divinity has brought you together right now, at this time, because your emergence is at hand.



Vibrationally Release Yourself…

It is time to Vibrationally Release Yourself from the chronic problems that keep you stuck in old ways of responding.

When you think that you have taken a wrong road or repeated an unwanted action or relationship and you are blaming or shaming yourself, I assure you, your frequency alignment tool is simply recalibrating you to consciously recognize your tendency to respond this way and giving you an opportunity to release your need to do so.

The entire situation is just a moment to shift directions at the crossroads and begin a higher frequency journey.  You hold the power of expansion.  Your conscious awareness and your choice to change will align you with a greater portion of your spiritual self.



Compassion — Will You?…


The more you allow yourself to feel — pain, at ease, joy, anger, sadness, wonder — just to feel, the greater the possibility that you will experience true compassion in your life.

The depth of our emotional connection can feel scary to a culture that has worked hard to shove down their feelings and follow the rules to earn the titles, experience the prestige, look important in others’ eyes, or get all the money.  Whatever the underlying need, we have been taught, and teach our children, many lies about what is important in life.  This has created a culture that is driven to get more, and miss the fact that the temporary satisfaction of the more has no true fulfillment or real value to the life that they are living on the planet.

What if what you truly seek is a type of fulfillment that lights up every cell of your body, instead of giving you a feeling of perceived safety, because you got more than your neighbor?  What if the true joy of life or your reason for living is actually about “breaking wide open” with another human being?  Since truly feeling brings us front and center, it can feel uncomfortable.  This is only because we have been trained to live on the surface.  What if we are intended to breathe deeply, so that we can dive deeply into the depths of our cores?  The core is your spiritual nature, and we have been driven to physical things in our lives instead of spiritual understandings.

We are living in this time of seclusion so that we can invite the deeper questions and sit with our own truths.  We are being given the opportunity to slow down and wait in the stillness for the answers that feel true and right for us.  How will you use this time?  Will you overcome your fear of truly feeling open and vulnerable with another?  Will you allow yourself to take the risk to live full out, instead of believing that “having stuff” is the reason you are on the planet?  Will you allow yourself to live fearlessly in the presence of others, so that you can experience “Spirit” in your physical body?  Will you seek truth, deep understanding and unconditionality for all of life?

This is the time of Awakening The Species.  Be brave, be transparent, BE Compassion



~~ Who Is In Charge Of You? ~~

Some people think that another person’s words or actions are to blame for how they feel:  “He hurt my feelings” – “She disrespected me” – “He made me angry.”   We have all heard these statements, or perhaps even said them ourselves.

Can you view your situation as just “…this event is happening…” rather than having a story about the event?  For instance…

A car just ran into the back of your car.  That is the situation – a car just hit your car.  What is the story that you attach to this event that upsets you? – “Now I’m going to be late for work – I wonder if they are going to try to blame me, because I stopped because the traffic wasn’t moving? – our insurance companies are going to get involved in a long drawn out process and they are going to raise my insurance, because I was in an accident – this is ruining my whole day – what a mess this is!…”  When the truth is – a car just hit the back end of your car — period.

The incident – no matter what it is – is not the arbiter of your feelings.  Your thoughts about the incident are what cause you to be upset.  Are your thoughts conscious choices made in the moment, or are they “knee-jerk reactions” based on old stories that are stored in your memory banks?…



~~ Creating You ~~

Each and every moment you are re-creating yourself. If you are not conscious of that creation, you will create an “Old You” based on unconscious patterns. 

You are changing in every moment. Are you aware of what you are creating?  Are you choosing it, or just going along for an unconscious ride?…




~~  What If?…  ~~


What if we got it all wrong?  What if something totally different is happening, that appears to us to be something else?

What if the Wildfires, the Tsunamis, the Hurricanes and Tornadoes are a form of help for us and the planet?  What if the way we have lived on this earth has caused an infection to her skin/crust, and she has been forced to rage fires and storms to cleanse her skin of a dangerous poison?

What if her cleansing also serves another purpose for the human race?  What if our belief that we are “separate” has created such a chasm between us that devastating events are what it takes to bring us back together?  What if the fires and storms are the avenue that throws us into each other’s arms again, for support, connection and unity?

What if we, as a human race, could seek out healthier ways to live in community on this planet that would nurture and support Mother Earth, so that she has regular cleansing, nourishment and support to stay in harmonic resonance?

What if we, as a human race, open our arms to each other and open our hearts with compassion and understanding, so we might be available to our neighbors in a way that they feel supported, nourished and loved in every moment.  What if we didn’t have to be shoved into each other’s arms to reconnect and know Unity or Oneness again?




~~  Light  ~~

Let’s talk about light.  We are made up of cells that emit light and we call this emitted energy “photons.”  Everything on the planet is light.  This is a scientific fact and it is all a form of energy.  This light-emitting cell causes an electron reaction.  This is the process that we use in creating our world, moment by moment.  Our thoughts and intentions are part of the photon-creative process.

As you probably know, your thoughts are typically running rampant.  So whether you know it or not, you are constantly creating.  Until we begin to slow our minds down and become aware of our thoughts, it is typical for our thoughts to “think us” or “run us.”

We have been raised in a culture that has put the importance on cultivating our intelligence and letting it “run the ship.”  We praise the people in our culture who have titles and labels based on education and learning.  We have come to believe that we are our intellect or our mind.  We associate our value and importance with our intelligence.

This is our undoing — the fact that we believe ourselves to be a “role” that we have learned to play.  We are not this mind, we are not this body, and we are not even our soul.  We are the light.  The body, mind, and soul are all manifested photons that we created to experience the light. 

Energy is a powerful tool that is accessible to us to create our greatest expression on this planet, in this body.  Since we are creating in every moment, it is very powerful for us to learn to be conscious in this creation.  If you are experiencing something in your life that you think you do not want, then slow down and assess how you have a part in that creation.

Our thoughts are mostly (85 – 90%) unconscious.  Those are the patterned processes that are helping to create a world that you wish you didn’t experience.  It is so important for us to slow down and see what our thoughts are.  Observing this aspect of our photon process can change everything, and assist us in creating a beautiful, abundant, vibrant life.



Emotion = Energy-In-Motion

When you label an emotion “goodorbad,” you create your reality

Emotion is a tool of the Spirit or the Energy Realm, to get you to connect and experience your world more fully.  You get to choose how you feel about everything.  Your “choosing” is a big piece of what you experience in your life.  How you decide you “feel” about something changes your physiology. 

When you decide that an emotion is “good” or “bad,” you bring them “to life” by giving them power.  This is one of the ways that you create your world.  Can you observe the emotion, rather than let it jerk you around?  Can you learn to use the emotion to create the world that you really want to live in?  Of course you can. 

Stay tuned…..a master class is coming in the near future to help you do just that!  In the meantime……..learn to observe your emotions and ask them – “What are you trying to show me?“…





Your Body Is The Translator For Spirit

You have a body so that you can connect with Spirit.  You are a spiritual being having a spiritual experience with the physical and energetic aspects of yourself.

We have grown up in an environment that has taught us that we have a body so that we can have a physical experience.  I find that to be the smallest portion of what the body is actually capable of.

Its most powerful expression is actually when we use it to connect with and understand our spiritual journey.  The body is the interpreter of our spiritual agenda.  If something is triggered in the body as an emotion, a sensation, or a pain or illness, it is already happening in the energy field of your body.  Your body is actually the messenger or translator of the spiritual realm.

When you fully understand this aspect of the mind-body connection, you know without a doubt how your mind+body+spirit dance the Dance Of Life, and you stop driving yourself for shallow, surface life experiences that leave you feeling unfulfilled, used or wanting more…




The Truth Is – You Chose It!  THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!

You came onto the planet fully aware of your Divine Essence.  As the infant, you were connected to everything.  You felt it all, because you didn’t have language and understandings of the intellect, based in “knowledge.”  This space of feeling is a “God” space.  It is “Real,” “Truthful.”  Once we learn to use our mind through the teachings and rules of our family, we begin to minimize our connections with the wisdom of the body.

The body doesn’t lie, but the mind can.  To re-align with the wisdom of the body is to allow the Heart to lead.  If your mind is telling you that you aren’t good enough or that you will never get it right – this is the moment to STOP!  It takes some self-discipline at first, but it will become second nature in a short time.

Stop and look at your thoughts.  Have compassion for yourself.  See that you are following old rules of condemnation and they are making you miserable.  Then tell yourself the truth:

  • I am “One” with all of creation.
  • This Source is complete and whole, and so am I.
  • There is no reason to condemn myself, because I did or said something that I perceive as being wrong.
  • Everything I do is a step toward my higher evolution.
  • In this moment, I choose Love and Acceptance, and I see that I am a spiritual being having a physical experience.
  • I get to choose how I feel about this.
  • I choose for this experience to uplift me, and to find the power or the growth that is hidden in this moment.
  • I will begin by loving myself more, and reaching for the higher thought or higher feeling in this moment.

Simple acceptance of yourself can raise the frequency and start you on a journey of shifting to joy or love in the moment.

TRY IT – you have nothing to lose except your self-judgment, pain and negativity…




Passion is part of the life force.  If you think that you do not feel passion about anything in life, it could be because you are disconnected.  You are not aligned with or living the “real” you. 

Spiritual awakenings are a space of clearing the connection to access the core of your Being or to align with your source energy.  This is the connection that we had as a tiny infant when we came onto the planet.  If you wish to remember what this state feels like, watch a very small child.  The state of the infant is pure before they begin to learn the way of the adult.  They are aligned with source, and they have no judgment about right or wrong.  They are full of wonder.  Everything keeps their attention.  Their eyes are bright and questioning all of life.  They have such a deep connection that is rich with passion and wonder. 

As the child grows up, we teach it to disconnect by helping it to create its understanding of life and who it is, through our ideas and rules.  We teach it judgment, wrongness, and give it Rules as to how it should act.  Little by little, over the first 5 or 6 years, we strip away its wonder and teach it limitations and concepts of our reality.  We cause it to become the little girl or boy that we think it is.  It learns its Name and its Role from us.  This child will come to learn many Roles as it grows, and it will believe that it is The Role and it will lose its connection to its internal source and truth.  The truth that it is a Divine Being and it is perfect in its connection to the source and all of life.   It actually is that source. 

When we are clear that we are the source, we are clear that everything is full of passion, and we feel it.  There is passion in each breath and we feel alive, vibrant and passionate when we breathe.  Our passion is part of us at our core essence.  We need to reconnect to our “Real Self” and come to a place of consciousness that is present in the moment of Now.  The aspects of us that are the Roles we learned from our family, our teachers, our friends or partners are just a tool that we cultivated to function in our family’s perceived world, but it is not our True Self. 

When we re-align and connect to our source, our whole world changes.  We suddenly find ourselves feeling passionate about everything and in love with it all.  We find deep reverence and gratitude for the breath that we take.  We feel compassion and love for our angry loved one, and we allow them to feel what they want to feel, without judgment or without trying to fix them.  We can be present to support all of life from a place of acceptance, without inserting our ideas or trying to change it.  We can give our help if asked, and our assistance will help them reconnect to their True Self.  Our help will give them back to themselves and help to create heaven on earth. 

Life is passionate by nature.  The question is, are you living or are you slowly dying, in a Role that someone else created for you?…




Most of humanity does not know who they are or why they are on the planet.

For Centuries and Millennia, we have resisted the truth of our being and existence on this planet.  We have been striving to make something happen that is actually slowly killing us off, when we aspire to being uplifted and genuine.  We experience a few moments of temporary satisfaction and we tell ourselves that we must be on track, because that felt good, and we try to create more of that temporary experience.  We continue to use up our energy, wear ourselves out, running in circles without ever realizing the true reason that we are on the planet.

Most of us have accomplished enough in our lives to look back and see how much we had in a moment or an era of our life, only to realize that we don’t seem to be any further along our fulfillment journey than we were before we acquired or accomplished those things.

I would call you to action at this time, in a way that might look unimportant given your perspective of your world.  Since you have tried so many other things that have not worked, I would suggest that giving this a try certainly can’t hurt and may change your world profoundly.

Take time today to focus differently.  Pull your thoughts, energy and attention inside.  Collect yourself on all levels and sit in a quiet space in nature, in your home, in a meditation group or even in your car at the end of a quiet country road.  Anywhere that you can calm your attention and pull yourself inside.  Feel yourself take deep breaths up and down your center core.  Quiet your mind, your body and your emotions.  When you begin to feel still, ask this stillness a couple of questions:  Who am I? Where am I?  Why am I here?

Look for answer from the core of your being.  Don’t allow your mind to give you the answers that you were taught.  If you want something new in your life, it can’t come from the old data base.  It needs to come from the truth of your core.  The mind will help you accomplish it later, but the information will be heart-centered, and it may not make logical sense to your mind.  It will FEEL good inside.  Slow down, take the time to do this for yourself today! 

Your answers lie within; I promise you – they do…




The truth is that nobody can hurt you.  Only you hold that power.

The purpose of relationship is not for two incomplete people to come together to create a whole.  The purpose of relationship is for two whole beings to join together in the glory of their complete expressions. 

Most of our lives, we have lived by the teachings that convinced us that we need a “special” relationship to feel fulfilled.  It taught us that we must have someone who needs and loves us in order for us to believe that we are worthy of being loved.  We were made to think that life would be perfect when we find the right person who will adore and revere us, thus making it possible to live happily ever after. 

The truth is that our happiness is a state of being that we cultivate deep inside, in order to express it in any and every relationship that we so chose. 

Our love is a deep knowing within ourselves that is in alignment with the Divine; it has been alive in us since our birth, and it is yearning to be expressed in every moment of our lives.

Our wholeness is our natural state that emanates from every cell of our being when we are free of the crippling teachings, and it is intended to support our creation of “Heaven On Earth.

So if you are seeking the perfect relationship, Go Within and seek to remember who you really are.  Once you begin to remember, you will experience the most loving, miraculous relationship of a lifetime with yourself.

Feel free to contact me if you would like a session to help guide you in reconnecting to your deepest strength and love.




I have been experiencing a rich feeling of deep connection to humanity today, and I wish to share a wisdom with you. First, I know in my heart that it is time for us to shift our perspective about the way we view our world. The shift has to come from the inside out. Nothing outside of us is real, except that we make it so through our thoughts. I would like to expound on a thought today about Higher Consciousness.

My contemplation has given me the realization that we, as a mass human mind, are like infants in our growth of higher awareness. For the most part, we view our world using our intellect and the teachings that are based in fear and survival, placed in our unconscious mind between conception and 6 years old. The majority of people are just beginning to allow themselves to feel the depth of their feelings with acceptance and grace. This is a huge step in our evolutionary process and it is an important one. It is also just the tip of the iceberg.

My deep inquiry gave me the following statement in automatic writing. “One of the experiences of being highly evolved occurs when we experience an honest, deep connection with a vulnerable feeling of another human being.” We are being called at this time to unconditional love of ourselves, so that we can hold another safely in that space. The love must begin inside, since you cannot give to another what you do not already have for yourself.

Our upbringing causes us to totally avoid such a vulnerable space. I know in my own life that I had opportunities to be in that vulnerability that I avoided, by playing the role of teacher or mother. I figured out on the flip side of the situation that I was dragging them through the change, because I was feeling their pain and it made me very uncomfortable. My salvation came when I caught myself in the act with a dear friend that I was helping along his spiritual journey. My observer saw what I was doing and brought me to my knees. In that moment, my deep wisdom showed me the light of my true journey. I stopped in mid-counseling and started to cry. The person that I was helping was already in tears, and in astonishment he turned to me and cried out, “Why are you crying?” I looked at him with compassion, because I fully understood what I was doing and what he needed in that moment. I told him that I just realized what he really needed. I told him I didn’t need him do anything in this moment except feel my support for his pain. I told him that I was truly sorry for trying to teach him tools, when all he really needed was my support and that he had that fully right now, and for the next two weeks or two months, if that is what it takes. I let him know that I will be here to hear him and give him my love and support, no matter how long it takes or how painful it is and that this time with him is valuable and important.

This kind of work is very vulnerable. Later, when he had moved through his own internal work, I shared with him my understanding of what had happened that day.

I was running a pattern that I had learned from my Mother as a child. She had nine children and there was so much to do. It was common for her to hurry us up in our chores so we could get to the next task at hand. “Come on, come on,” she would say, “we don’t have all day, let’s get it done.” That is what I was doing to him when I tried to make him use a tool I had learned, when all he needed was time to feel what he was feeling inside. He needed me to give him the love he needed to accept himself in that moment. And when I caught myself rushing him, I learned deep lessons about my own journey around needing support when the going gets tough, and seeing how I could change a pattern from my childhood to look like I was helping, when I was trying to avoid feeling his pain. It was an act of God for me to see myself in that moment. It was an act of my own God Nature. My heart broke open and I embraced it, instead of playing the role of the teacher. My vulnerability was not easy, but once I was on the other side of it I was so grateful for the shift. I learned so much about myself that would help me hold people in my close life in a more conscious, compassionate place.

Many of us have lived a life of trying to feel deeply fulfilled by getting the right car, the big house, the right job or relationship, but we keep finding ourselves wanting more. That is because those things are not what we are truly seeking. We are chasing after our fulfillment, based on what we were taught by family, teachers, clergy and others. The teachings were all wrong. We had it all upside down. Our true fulfillment comes from connecting with another in a deep, emotional space. It comes from service to the planet, animals and humanity. This is living full out. Our desire to know them at their core level and to shower them with love, understanding, support and compassion will fill our hearts and cause us to feel deep personal fulfillment and a joy that is unavailable in “stuff.” We are waking up and realizing how our upbringing has chained us to a joyless process of work, accomplishment, self-prostitution and “doing,” that leaves us weary and ill. We are finally beginning to ask the deep questions of ourselves.

Because we have not allowed ourselves to be in that vulnerable space with others, it can feel scary to enter that space. Actually, it can feel scary to enter that space with ourselves and so we even avoid that. We try to turn our emotions off and just get through the day. Our childhood teachings run deep. It is not okay to cry in public – “little ladies don’t act like that – chin up-it is not that bad.” Like automatons or zombies, we move through our lives out of touch! The reason our parents directed us in this way was because it was painful for them when they felt our feelings. Because we are all connected energetically, they were feeling our pain and couldn’t bear it. When the emotion started to touch them, they shut us down, because of their own inability to process the feelings. They had no idea it was even happening; they just reacted to protect themselves. They taught what they had learned from their parents.

Everyone is doing the best they can. If we could do any better, we would. We are taught from a very early age, based on our limbic brain reaction, that we don’t want to feel pain. Pain to the limbic brain is synonymous with death. If something hurts you, you could die from it. This is not true, but it is a survival response based on times when we didn’t have the safety nets that we have now. We don’t have a conscious thought about it; we react on the unconscious thought in an instant.

Well, joyfully, the gig is up, as they say. We as a human species are growing in awareness. We are clearer in our own personal processes of self-love. More people are awake than you might know. I call you to action to be the ONE! Venture out and feel what another is experiencing, and offer love and acceptance. Don’t get confused like I did. It is not your job to fix them. That is another reason we don’t reach out. We are afraid we won’t have an answer and we will look bad. That is not your work. Your work is to Be the Love! Be the Support! Be the Safety Net, where they can unload their feelings and be seen, heard and supported. Most people just need to be heard. They will figure it out on their own if they are shown that they are worthy of an answer. Supporting does not mean fixing them, having all the answers or agreeing with them. It means to have sympathy and understanding. To honor and validate how they feel. You don’t have to agree with how they feel, you just have to validate that it is how THEY feel. I promise you, your offer of support and comfort will be enough to raise the frequency. You will feel on purpose in your life, which will open the portal for others to do the same. You will have taken a small step for humanity and a huge step for your own growth.

If you are interested in working with these concepts of personal growth and revelation, please contact me. I am an active participant in a book club and a radio show that I co-host. I also host personal groups who gather to hone our skills to become higher evolved beings, who live from the perspective that we are all one. I am open to online group gatherings and would be happy to host a group, if it is in your heart to reconnect with the reasons that you are on the planet. Conversations about the work are really powerful for all involved. As Ram Dass said, “We Are All Here To Walk One Another Home.




Energy is the core of creation.  All energy emits a sound.  Sound is the essence of creation.  Your words and thoughts are powerful vehicles of your creation.  Scientific studies show us that up to 85% of our daily thoughts are repetitive thoughts.  We are thinking the same things over and over again.  These thoughts are the core of our personal experiences in our world.  What we believe, we will see and we will experience it.  This process is the underpinning for much of our disappointment and disenchantment in our world.

This is actually a gift when we begin to understand it and use purposefully.  Because once you become aware of it, you have the power to change it.  We are capable of taking control of our thoughts and changing them, so that we can change what we are creating in our world.  Many of us think that “things are happening to us” and we are at the mercy of it.  This is a fallacy.  Although what you are creating in your world may not be conscious, you are creating it on some level.  There is a “Soul’s Agenda” that is guiding you, and sometimes the only way you can experience life fully is to create something that shakes you up or makes you uncomfortable.

When we put all of our energy into the outer aspects of “our doing” in the world, we can wear ourselves out and feel empty and broken.  On a deeper, unconscious level we create what feels like really intense processes.  We will call to us the frequency of things that will help us shift, and often times they will stir up deep, emotional responses in us.  If we understand that the emotion is what allows us to feel fully alive, then we will quit shoving it down and we will revel in experiencing it.

As Highly Evolved Beings, I believe we will be able to “see” the value in things that feel intense, and use that energy to create a moment in our life that is filled with purpose and deep feelings.

Because we were taught to hide our feelings, many of us are afraid to feel them.  I tell you, this is one of the reasons we are on the planet!  WE LIVE TO FEEL!!!!  This is one of the grandest experiences of the physical body.  It is time to embrace our feelings, and the feeling of all other beings on the planet, and be like the child.  Live in the moment.  EXPERIENCE LIFE!

When we begin to own our tones……..we begin to create purposefully and our experience is filled with deep peace, acceptance and understanding.  We can create Heaven On Earth.  It all begins with our thoughts.  Do you know what you are thinking?…




Are you experiencing things in your life that you think you aren’t choosing?  Do you work in a meaningless job?  Do you wish you had a loving partner – but just keep ending up with “users” or inconsiderate, shallow people?  Do you want a beautiful home and find your home space brings you down?  I could go on forever!  All these things are a product of the frequency patterns that you are running, most of which were created in you before the age of five or six.  Most of our life reactions shoot out of our unconscious thoughts with lightning speed and “happen” before we can give them a second thought.  This is the way our limbic brain protects us.

Before we hit the age of 5 to 7 years old, we are participating in our world from a deep, “energy connected” space.  Cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton calls this a hypnogogic state.  Both sides of our brain are working together and we are in touch with the “feeling side” of our world.  When we are infants, we have no language – but we respond “truthfully” through our emotional aspects with everything around us.  All forms of learning at these ages occur by rapid download into our unconscious, and they all create information and concepts that will become our guiding lights as “responses” to our outside world.  Since we are still little children, we don’t yet have discernment around the actions of the adults in our world, so the patterns that are being created are based on the limbic brain’s need to protect us and keep us alive.  As you might imagine, many of these deep teachings are distorted, because of our lack of understanding.  As we learn language, we get a deeper training through intellectual understandings.

Around the age of 5-7, a child’s brain shifts and we become “one-side-dominant” – we begin to navigate our world from an intellectual perspective instead of from our deep, feeling perspective.  This is a perspective that was taught to us; it doesn’t stem from our deep knowing, but rather from what we have learned. This “one-side-dominant” aspect continues to drive us to seek our individualization, and we begin to lose the information and feeling that we are all one.  We learn to put more importance on what is happening outside of us instead of on how we are feeling. This teaches us that what is outside is more important, and we begin to lose touch with how we are feeling and focus more on what is expected of us. We take on the journey of “becoming what our parents want us to be,” rather than responding with integrity to our own internal feelings.  This somewhat complicated development sets us up to sell ourselves out.  We jump on the fast-moving train of being #1 in the eyes of others, so that we can feel valued or important in the world.  I know all of this could be a little depressing – except that you can access your unconscious, hidden patterns and change them.

There are many tools.  My favorite is the voice-printing process that I use in my work with clients.  I call this tool “The Window On The Soul,” because the voice print allows us to clearly see the hidden patterns in a graph format.  Then we can use this graph to determine what imbalances your hidden patterns are causing in your world.  We can work with the frequencies and bring you back into harmonic resonance.  To learn more about this tool, you can go to this link on my website and see some free videos that will explain the process.

I help my clients learn how to reclaim their true self and live an authentic life, so they can create “heaven on earth” and feel deep fulfillment and vibrant health in their lives.  When we bring ourselves back into harmonic resonance, we reclaim our vibrant health, embrace our abundance and shine our lights brightly.  This is a space of deep, internal fulfillment, sweet compassion and joy for life.  When we get into personal resonance, we bring our happiness and peace to the planet through our personal expression in everything that we do.  Our purpose is to recreate ourselves in every moment.  We are creating in every moment, so it is truly beneficial for us and our world to do it consciously.  The child came in conscious and connected to the depth of its core, and we taught it to be outwardly directed and make “things” more important than how the child felt.

The time is Now – to reconnect to that within you that will Light You Up! – that which allows You to Live Full Out!



It is a Power Time on the Planet!  Happy New Year!

Now is the time to create the world you want to live in!  For centuries, we humans have said that we want Peace, Joy, Love and Abundance for the world.  I’m not making light of the issues we still have, around all humans having comfort, when I say we are more abundant and happier as a human race than we have ever been before.  I would encourage you to recognize and magnify the things that are good in your life right now.  Have gratitude for what ever feels good in your life at this time.  We have the ability to raise the frequency of our planet and BE the Love, Peace and Joy that we seek in every moment!  I am radiating out the frequencies for you to hold that space in your corner of the world, so we can all experience Heaven On Earth!  

May you be uplifted to experience your grandest expression of your greatest self in this coming year!

Much love and harmony.  🙏🏼 





Because our parents were raised to believe that their importance and self-value were based on their skills, titles or intelligence, we were taught that same thing by default.  We believe at some deep, cellular level that we ARE what we do or accomplish.  We often try to do it differently than our parents, even using different language on a surface level, but because we grew up in their energy fields, we learned what they knew and did.  We are often times running the deep patterns that we grew up in, unbeknownst to us.  This happens because most of those hidden frequency patterns were created and recorded in the unconscious mind before we were five or six years old.  In essence, they are running us, and causing us to react to our world, rather than to make a conscious decision. 

This teaching around “being good at our work” is not only debilitating, because it causes us to focus outside of ourselves for our worth, but it also puts us in contention or competition with each other as a human race.  That is detrimental to our species as a whole and also to our individual selves.  You see, when we run a frequency pattern of competition, it is counter to our “Soul’s Agenda” or our “Original Blue-Print,” and this causes a lack of harmony at our core, which creates dis-ease in our physical bodies.

Our physical bodies are a 3-D manifestation that is created from energy and thought.  Thoughts are also a form of energy.  Everything in our universe stems from energy and, as quantum physics has substantiated, our focus on energy affects how that energy responds.  So we are, in essence, creating our world with our focus on certain beliefs, through the energy manifestations.  We don’t give this much thought, often taking our manifested world for granted, and not realizing that we have a lot of control over what is happening in our world. 

Our common belief is that we are experiencing these things in our world, and that they are happening to us.  But on a very deep energy level, we are part of the creation of everything that happens in our world and our life.  How can you tell if you are actually running a different frequency pattern under the surface than you think you are desiring for your life at this time?  Well, it is quite simple.   Is anything happening in your life that you don’t want to happen?  Do you hate your job (but you need the income), all the while you secretly desire to do work that you love?  Do you keep ending up in the same kind of relationships where your partner walks out on you, or uses you, or takes you for granted?  If you keep getting things in your life, that you think you would never want…….there is most likely an underlying frequency pattern running that draws those situations to you without your knowledge about it.  Most of us have areas that we are unconscious in, where these patterns are running our lives and we have no idea it is happening

So, if you find yourself in a place where you are getting a result you don’t want – have hope – because you have the power to change it.  Although most of your frequency patterns are hidden away in your subconscious mind, you can access them and change them.  You do have the ability to change your frequencies and change your life.  Stay tuned, because next week I will talk about shifting your frequencies.   YOU ARE A PRODUCT OF YOUR FREQUENCY PATTERNS.

If you would like to know how to uncover your frequency patterns, you can see a technique I use on some free videos on this website at this link.  I look forward to connecting with you again! 

May your 2019 be filled with conscious, powerful, personal expression.



You Get To Pick Your Life’s Purpose

We have been poisoned by our cultural beliefs and upbringings to believe that our purpose is some “big thing” outside of us that we have to figure out and then follow, in order to feel worthy and important, or of service to the planet.  I am speaking to you today from a deep, personal space that I struggled with for many years.  As a seeker on a deep, spiritual journey, I struggled with “knowing what my purpose was” for a lot of years.  I have come through some really powerful personal experiences that have changed my perspectives around this question.

What if our purpose is actually a moment by moment occurrence in our lives?  What if our purpose is something that we get to pick?  What if our personal expression on this planet is our purpose?  I would encourage you to take these questions inside for deep, personal self-inquiry.

You see, our culture has caused us to outwardly direct our attention, when what we are all really searching for comes from a deep internal connection, first with ourselves and then with others and our planet.  Think about all the accomplishments that you have had in your life, or about how many things you have acquired.  Now ask yourself how many of them hold deep, personal fulfillment for you?  For instance, as soon as you acquire that thing that you wanted so badly…  …now you are onto what is the next thing that you want.  There may be a momentary or short-lived satisfaction, but there is no actual, deep fulfillment in acquiring that thing.  We are also taught not to show our true feelings; “Big boys don’t cry – Don’t get too big for your britches, little girl.”  We were often scolded for being emotional, and learned to hide how we felt and get on with what needed to be done, or give “them” what they wanted.  This has crippled us to being pleasers, followers and victims, when in reality we are all a “light,” the essence of Spirit-God-Universal Power.  Our first energetic signal from the source of our being is expressed as an emotion.  That emotion (e-nergy-in-motion) is the experience of our life force.  It is time to accept and experience everything that we feel and to rejoice in it.  It is time for us to reclaim our grand expression and bring it to the earth so we can truly live full out!!! 

My experience is aligned with the questions I posed earlier in this post.    First, I aspire to living my life from a place of “being on purpose.  This has come from deep inquiry about what actually causes me to feel fully alive.  What causes me to actually connect with the feelings of the others that I am spending time with.  I would offer that the things that light us up or make us feel truly fulfilled are related to touching others’ lives or making a difference on the planet, even if it is just in your back yard.  These things that bring balance, peace, love or needed change to others are also nourishing and uplifting for us in ways that are everlasting.  We are community animals.  We didn’t come to the planet to get it all for ourselves.  Although that is possible, there is plenty enough for everyone to have it all and we are here to experience it all from a place of togetherness.  If any of our fellow humans, animals or the planet are in need or hurting, then something in us is experiencing the frequency of that also.  It can’t be otherwise, because we are all connected.

Now, search deep within yourself to see if you can reclaim the ability to fully feel everything that is happening inside you, and be brave enough to live from that space.  I have been working with the frequency realm for over fifteen years and I know it is possible to shift up our frequency patterns very quickly if we will just apply ourselves to the importance of it.  If you need help getting started on this journey, please reach out and let me know.  I can help you to focus on the areas of frequency that you need to get clear in or bring back into balance.  I’d love to have the opportunity to work with you in reclaiming your personal power and understanding what you are on the planet to express.

May your Holidays be filled with Joyful Expression of your True Divine Self.




We have been sold a real story about stress and how bad it is for us.  We see stress as a killer and useless to our everyday life.  It is time to take a deeper look at what stress really is and how it actually “grows” us, if we can learn how to use wisely.

Stop looking for a way out and look for the right way forward.  That may actually mean experiencing some discomfort, challenge, change and growth.  First, we cannot avoid stress if we live in the world in a physical body.  So making it our enemy sets us up for war.  If we use it as the catalyst that it is, we can learn to adapt and grow using the stress as a tool in the changes.  Stress is an opportunity, and you will either use it to open to new possibility or you will go into resistance and close down. 

Our first experience of stress is when we are birthed onto this planet.  We use stress in that moment to push ourselves into the world.  This is a powerful use of stress.  Our growth and development in life stem from the lessons that life provides us, often involving an element of stress.  The process of growth itself does not happen in a still, calm, inactive space.  It involves movement that utilizes different levels of stress to create movement or growth.  Change is typically unsettling when we believe that our safety or comfort is in “the same old, same old” or “what we can depend on to stay the same.  Sadly, this is what our culture has told us – that our safety lies in boredom or lack of change. 

When we experience stress and are open to using it, we pass milestones in our physical world that are paramount to our spiritual journeys of evolution.  When we are able to do this, we claim new choices and decisions by taking control of our brains and exercising conscious choice over fear or unconscious patterns.  Stress Is A Catalyst for profound growth, change and personal evolution.  Using stress in a healthy way shifts the tension, and channels energy to positive, creative outcomes.




Whether you know it or not, you have FAITH in something. Do you have faith in money, a good job, a special person, a doctor or pills, a perfect home, or perhaps a healthy body?

You create your world based on what you believe you need to feel safe and secure. This is what was is meant by idols or false Gods in the ancient teachings.

Your strength and power lies in the source of your being – that from which you are created. That Source is the ONE lasting aspect of all of creation. Some people call it the power of the universe, some people call it the love of God, some people call it unconditional love, some people call it the Great Spirit, or even Heaven on Earth. It matters NOT what you call it. It only matters that you align with this unchanging source and live in the truth of it.

When you begin to understand that our childhood teachings have chained us to temporary, unimportant illusions, then you can begin to see the path of your Source. When we align with this power, we live in integrity and clarity and we serve the planet with our personal gifts.

Take the time to sit with what you have put your faith in today. Then sit in the internal silence to know what is your true Source…



Mele Kalikimaka!

You were born knowing everything. When you were born, you came complete with all of your truth and wisdom. You have nothing to learn. The only journey that you need to take is the journey of remembrance.

As a tiny infant you came in complete, whole, perfect and aligned with the wisdom of the ages. All the training that you received between birth and approximately 6-7 years of age served to disconnect you from the wisdom and your personal truth. Your well-meaning but confused parents, teachers and clergy taught you “their way” of how to become a responsible, rule-abiding adult so that you could function on the planet. Sadly, “their way” was broken and taught to them by people who had been poisoned by cultural memes for centuries. The human race has been teaching these disempowering, fear-based memes and doctrines for eons. They were unable to teach anything else, because they didn’t know any better.

Now, we know better. We have slowly been waking up to the debilitating stories and teachings that have run the mass mind for many centuries, and we are remembering our true essence and the loving powerful beings that we ARE! The truth is that you are a Light of Love. You came here to be Love, not Fear. This love, when it is lived from the heart center, will make you healthy, joyful, peaceful and fulfilled. It is time to begin to focus on the true essence of who you are and BE that beautiful soul in every moment of your life.

To live with purpose, love and peace in every moment is not only nurturing and uplifting to everyone and everything in your life and on this planet, but it will heal you of all incoherent imbalances in your body and your life. The frequencies on the planet are fully supporting the shift from Fear to Love at this time. This is the best time in our lives to align with our true nature and BE what we love and aspire to. Take the time now to Remember Who You Really Are, Why You Came To The Planet, And What You Want To Do About It!



There Are No Mistakes

In the depth of your being, you are perfect.  What you perceive yourself to be is what your mind “thinks” you are.  These thoughts are based on all of the stories and ideas that you were taught about yourself and the world as a small child.  Your thoughts are how you view the world.

Do you ever wonder how it is that someone else can look at you and see a genius, a teacher, a wise one, or perhaps they just think or see that you are beautiful.  In your mind you have trouble understanding why they think that, or you might even think that you might have them fooled.  They are just seeing you through the eyes of Love (God / Universal Power).  They don’t have the same thoughts as you, so they see something that is different.

The interesting thing is that you both are right…  Oh, and by the way, there is no right or wrong.  Again, just concepts of the mind…  “As a man thinketh, so is he.

Each and every one of us see the world through our filters and beliefs.  These filters are set in our unconscious mind and run the show, until we can become aware in the moment.  When we become aware, we can see the effects of the filters and change the way we see the world.  When that perspective changes, so does our world.  The thoughts of the human mind create what we call the mistake or the problem in our life.  What would it be if you chose to see it as an opportunity, to learn something new, or change how you react, or stop and ask a question, instead of letting your mind think the thought, ”I have a problem“?

I know your world is fast-paced, and it is easy to let the mind tell you what it thinks.  Now I ask you, “Is ‘easy’ creating joy, peace and comfort in your life?”  Because the truth is…  joy, peace and comfort are thoughts of the mind, too.  It is just as easy to create that in your world as it is to create a problem.  Learn to control the thoughts of your mind, and make this your mantra in place of the old mantra that creates the problem.

When you can change your thought, you begin to function from a place of wisdom.



Higher Consciousness

It is very interesting to me that life is set up to be happy, loving, fulfilling and complete. Yet we as human organisms spend most of our lives trying to feel the experience of these things that are innate in our own beingness and in the cosmos itself. What is it that we are missing that tells us we are not experiencing the magic and greatness of our “life”?

The truth is that we ARE the fullness and completeness of DIVINITY. Sadly, our training as a small child has set a tape-recording-of-life in motion that created blinders for us. These blinders hide the true nature of who we are in exchange for the teachings of: “Life is tough and you have to work hard for the money,” – “Only the strongest survive,” – “Either you are the winner or you are a loser.” And ps: there is only one Winner, so everyone else is the Loser. Regardless of how much personal will, staunch strength or Pollyanna happiness you use to try to create the perfect world, you will default to the subconscious beliefs, until you begin to truly see them and become conscious that you are actually in control of what you think, if you chose to be.

This is a tough one for some people.  I have even heard people say, “I can’t help it, that is just how I feel!” Well I am going to shine the light on something for you here.  If you are ready to expand into higher consciousness, you will be able to hear this.  If you can’t hear it………..I love you just the same and I know that you are perfect, exactly as you are in this moment.  There are no accidents and there are no coincidences.  We are all living our lives just as we chose to and that is perfect in every moment.

So, I just gave you the answer, but let me say it in another way!


You are choosing in every moment, how to feel, how act, how to live and how to experience your life. Yes Yes Yes. If you think in this moment………..”that is crap”…….”I wouldn’t choose this”………..think again.  On some level (perhaps not in awareness for you), you are choosing this experience in your life.  For example: Perhaps your soul is trying to have the experience of abundance, so lack is showing up as a contrast, so that you can make a choice to feel abundance.  Once you have an awareness of what you don’t want, you can choose something different.

I know, I know! – You say…………….”COME ON!…………..I don’t have a million bucks, so I am not rich!”  I ask you…………”you’re not rich…”?  Is that true?  What is “rich“?  This is often times where the misalignment happens.  Our concept of rich is based on a fearful upbringing of our parents “trying to have it all.”   Our cultural teachings make us think that “rich” is having a lot of money, a lot of “stuff,” a big title, a fancy car, a visually beautiful mate, and on and on and on.

Now, I ask you…….do you personally know a CEO, President or Vice President of a company? (you know…..someone who “has it all“?)  Are they truly happy and joyful in their life?  Did becoming the CEO heal their stomach ulcer or chronic headaches? Aha!……… we are getting somewhere.  Our perceptions of happiness, our childhood indoctrinations, have us confused about what it truly is to be fulfilled, whole, joyful, empowered and complete.  Our addictive, fearful programming makes it impossible for us to live happy, loving, peaceful, conscious, wise and effective lives.

The truth is that attempting to change the people or the world outside of you to support your addictive desires, or even to create a happy, fulfilling, loving life, is nothing more than a recipe for more pain, suffering and emptiness.

If you want to experience a higher evolved loving conscious abundant life then…


You truly are everything that you think you are missing, lacking, needing or desiring.

Take a moment to be completely grateful for whatever it is that you have in this moment.  Gratitude is the fast way to the top of your mountain!  Begin to see the joy in every aspect of your being.  Does your body function well?  Did you have a cup of coffee and breakfast to eat this morning?  Did you pay your electric bill this month?  Do you have running water in your house?  Do you have good drinking water?

Do you know how amazing all of these simple things in life truly are?……………or have you possibly dropped into a space of thinking those things are not important?  After all………”I have all of those things and have had for many years…”

Do you know how many people on the planet don’t have them?  What isRich“?  Go inside and sit with that question.  Look for a new answer.  Don’t default to the old database teaching.  Pick something new.





Revealing Cultural Memes #3 –

You have to have A Title or A Powerful Label to be Important


Wildlife and the earth have so much to teach us, if we will just “see” the message.  Creatures of all kinds move through their lives “being” all that they came here to be.  Not to get attention from another creature, or to prove that they can, or to look good in the eyes of another, nor even to feel loved by another.  They play out their personal gifts in integrity as the animal that they are.  They live life fully and without condemnation of any kind.  They do not look to their tribes to see how they are supposed to act or feel.  They dance in their world in the truth of what and who they are.

Do you ever wonder why we, “the human race,” can’t seem to do that?  Why is it that we are trying to do what our parents, clergy, teachers and others tell us?  Why are we trying to become “something” that another has imposed on us?  Why do we not just trust our internal direction to take us on the journey of being what we truly love?  Why do we not reach deep inside and live our life from a place of divine integrity?  Being just who we are in every moment?…

Our culture has it all screwed up!  That is why!  We have been living and raising our children from a place of fear, lack and need.  “Need” is the only “real sin” on this planet.  We stripped our children of their power and perfection, and taught them to be needy.  We taught them to crave to become something that would make them look special in the eyes of the mass mind at the expense of their joy, fulfillment and true divine success.  It is time to stand in love, inclusion, acceptance and allowance.  To fly free like the hawk.  To allow all children and adults to be real.  To hold each other in a safe place of acceptance, love and gentle compassion.  This is what the human race came here to experience.  If you desire to feel fulfilled, happy, abundant……………… just hold another in absolute, unconditional love and watch how it makes you feel inside.  Live from the truth of your deep internal desire and heal yourself and your world…




My birthday wish today is that you have Divine Remembrance.

That today you discover your true essence.

That you be able to look in the mirror and know your amazing beauty, your divine power, your sweetest attributes.

That you be able to look with the eyes of love like when you look upon the perfect newborn babe. And with those eyes you see your wonder, you rediscover your deepest joy, your precious soul essence.

That today you know yourself as the expression of God that you individuated onto this planet to experience.

I SEE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I ADORE YOU – just as you are.

SHINE Your Light Fearlessly, Beautiful Amazing Soul…



Revealing Cultural Memes #2 – Divine Success


You have to work hard to make a living and climb the ladder of success.”

Being successful means the achievement of desired visions and goals.”

In our culture, we have been indoctrinated with the concept of having the greatest title, making the most money, “one-upping” everyone else, buying the most expensive house/clothes/cars/toys, and just generally feeling “important” based on what we have!

A sad revelation from my hospice nursing career:  I found that many people, when faced with the end of their lives, came face-to-face with all the things that they had accomplished and acquired, only to realize that they were not happy or fulfilled, and any success that they thought they had was a fallacy.

This is a cultural meme that keeps us constantly striving for more.  It is so insidious that we don’t even realize that we are not feeling fulfilled or successful.  We have this internal need to keep trying, but we don’t question what that means, because the indoctrination is so strong to “achieve more”!

Are your desires or ideas of success based on someone else’s ideals?

I would ask you in this moment to stop, take a deep breath and seek inside for any time in your life that makes you feel deeply satisfied, or divinely successful, or sweetly fulfilled.  You may find that it is hard to connect with something that feels this wonderful.  I would encourage you to seek from another angle.

Let me share a few of those times in my life:  The birth of my children brought deep fulfillment and satisfaction to me.  Holding the hand of a dear friend who is emotionally struggling, hugging a stranger who is needing support in the moment, seeing the birth of a live animal, holding a client in the midst of a personal break-through, sitting in silence as I watch the sun set or hear the morning bird song begin, or volunteering my time for a person or animal in need.

Our culture has trapped us into “doing” outside ourselves to seek for fulfillment.  The true, deep fulfillment of the soul comes from “being” our authentic self.  The things that we do when we come from our center, reaching out in love, do not have to be big things – they are fulfilling because they are “real,” “honest,” “feeling” and “supportive.”

You see, we are community creatures.  We didn’t come here to get it all for ourselves.  We came here to relate, and experience our full expression through touching the earth and others.  Our divine success is accomplished through deep, rich emotions.  We are taught to quiet our emotions and just “be nice” when we are around others.  But that is a slow death.  Living is “feeling full out.”  Don’t be afraid to feel……………… feel all of it………….. let the emotions flow.

As Panache Desai says, “It is a miracle to be able to cry.”

I agree with him



Revealing Cultural Memes #1 – Self-Love


Our cultural memes around self-love tell us that it is selfish to love oneself.  They teach that we must sacrifice ourselves for others, put others first, and that it is our job to look after everyone else.  We are taught to please others at all expense, in the hopes of feeling loved in return.

The greatest sin you can commit is to sell yourself out or deny yourself.  You see, you cannot give something that you do not have.  If you have not loved yourself first, nurtured yourself first, given yourself the kindness and support you need first, then you are empty.  And as the saying goes…… you cannot pour from an empty pitcher.

Because most of us are raised in environments that tell us “no,” “that’s not good enough,” “strive harder,” “do more,” we learn – albeit not intentionally by those who raise us – that we are not lovable or worthy of love.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  This feeling of not being enough takes us on a journey of seeking love by doing for others, in the hopes of receiving a little love in return.  Most of us are not even aware of these cultural patterns playing out.

The new story that we need to create and live by is based in the truth that we come here as perfect, whole, divine spirits embarking on a journey to express our God-Nature in physical form.  Each and every one of us is LOVE.  If we knew who we really were, we would never sell ourselves out.  We would bring our grandest version of our biggest dream of who we are on this planet to every moment of our lives.  We would give of ourselves from a space of absolute fullness, acceptance, joy and love.  When we offer ourselves to others from this space, we are nurtured by the very act of giving what we really are…………….. what we came here to express.

Just for today………… look deep inside and see the Being that you came here as.  Not the masks, roles, characters, titles and labels that we have acquired from our childhood upbringings.  See the Divine Being, the Soul, the Essence of Unconditional Love that we all came here as.  Open your heart and hold yourself safely in the arms of the Divine Mother Love.  You deserve to be appreciated, adored, honored and cherished.  Bring that to yourself now and you will be amazed how others see it in you.  Another cannot see your beauty until you see it for yourself.

Holding you in Love, Honor and Peace, Sweet Soul…



Perfect As You Are 20160714

Our culture and media would have us to believe that to have any value we have to — Go to the Right School, Get the Right Job, Earn the Right Amount of Money, Buy the Right Car, Own the Perfect House, and on and on and on. Without all the “Right” things, we amount to nothing.  This is ingrained in us from tiny child up!

I’m here to tell youThat is the Biggest Lie of the Planet.”  The magnificent Universe lies within your very being!  How could you be anything but Complete, Perfect and Whole?  You are made of the same powerful energy of the stars!  You never need to get anything, prove anything, or change anything – you are perfect just as you are!

Keep a watch on yourself today.  If you find yourself looking outside for validation, fulfillment, or to feel complete in some way, remind yourself that there is nothing “out there” that you need to be complete.  Remember that you are the essence of the Universe itself.  There is a quote from “The Course in Miracles” that I love:  “The sun and ocean are as nothing beside what you are.

It is time to remember, Sweet Souls, who we really are.  Time to claim our personal power and realign with the simple, beautiful aspect of our own being.  To be completely present in that, and to bring it fully to our life in every moment will fulfil us in ways we could have never dreamed possible.  I tell you this, because I know it is true.  When I align with my deep, soul essence and bring myself fully to my life, miracles happen, joy abounds and I feel like I am walking on air!  You, too, can experience this, moment to moment, in your own life.

Remember – Sweet Soul – Remember…



20160625 Love Live Fearlessly

Our power lies in being our honest self.  Is it hard for you to be true to yourself in the world that you live in?  Sometimes it is very difficult to BE who we really are.

As children growing up, we were challenged by our parents and teachers to “do more,” “accomplish the tasks,” or “prove ourselves” in some way.  It caused us to feel that our very value as a person depended on those accomplishments.  So we learned to look for ways that we could be appreciated.  We even created situations to “give ourselves away” to others, to feel valued.  But in the end, the temporary validation faded away and we began seeking for the next “hit” of being valued.  This being valued – we paralleled with being loved.  As an adult we are not aware that the seeking for the “hit” is the hidden pattern of the child’s perceived needs.

You don’t have to do anything to be loved!  The very concept that we are seeking to be loved by another is the pattern or story that keeps us trapped.  For if you know the truth about who you really are, you would never seek love from another.  The Truth is that YOU ARE LOVE.  Your fulfillment and joy come from showering the “Love that You are” on others.  You have been on a fruitless journey in search of something that is the innate Truth and expression of your very soul!  You never have to do anything more than just be yourself!

Being who you are is more than enough.  If another being blames you for being inconsiderate for being who you are, it is only because they have not yet experienced the wisdom of being enough themselves.  So they would ask you to give what they think “they are not” or “they do not have.”  Do not take it personally.  Hold them in love, by honoring the wisdom of their perfection, even if they are not yet aware of it.

You are Love.  Being who you are is never a disappointment.  It is the glory and God Opulence of Life itself.

As we become clearer about this divine perfection within us, we are able to easily shower others with this frequency.  Our ability to honor their divine perfection ignites the flame of that frequency within them.


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