Divine Relationship

Begin Your Journey towards a Healthy, Joyful, Honest and Creative Relationship with the Most Important Person in Your Life

Do you feel or somehow “know” that you could do better in the realm of “Relationship“?  That there is something niggling at or within you?  An elusive “something” that isn’t quite right?  That things “could be better“?  Do you want to identify and change that whatever-it-is?  Are you facing relationship challenges?  Then you may have come to the right place!

We offer you the combined relationship experience of over a century-and-a-quarter.  We live, breathe, eat and sleep this every day, because we deeply and experientially understand that, without a healthy relationship, life can be far less than the truly fulfilling experience it is meant to be – and why would any of us settle for anything less?  So! – help and support are here, available to you right now.

On this web site, there are the following:

  • A complete archive of our earlier radio shows (The Vibration Station) which deal with Divine Relationship;
  • Details about the in-person and online seminars on the topic of Divine Relationship;
  • Information about our online counselling sessions for both singles and couples (and more, should that be your lifestyle – we hold no judgments on your choices for you);
  • Details on our in-person counselling sessions to singles, couples, and more, which we offer here on the Big Island of Hawai`i.

We recognise that our lives are often challenging and sometimes demanding, and that time is often at a (perceived) premium.  Based upon this, we remain flexible to working with you concerning time and availability for the counselling sessions we share with you (and our seminars! – please contact us if you’d like us to bring this work to your group).  Our total intention is to be of service and support, to help you in growing healthy relationships in every facet of your life – no matter how many of the myriad elements of “humanity” you choose to embrace.

So if this resonates with you – do connect with us and let us start to discuss your situation.  We are no further away than the Secure Contact Form on this page (in the right-hand menu, or at the bottom of this page if you are using a mobile device) or by telephone.  We can always find a mutually convenient opportunity to work together!  Mahalo and Aloha!  🙏🏼